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1000 acres of calm 

Wytham Woods is an ancient semi-natural woodland, with parts of it dating back to the Ice Age. Ancient woodland is defined as woodland that has been around since at least 1600 and now accounts for just 2.5% of the UK. They are relatively undisturbed by human development. As a result, they are unique and complex communities of plants, fungi insects and other microorganisms.


Wytham Woods has been owned and maintained by the University of Oxford since 1942. Its 1000 acres are a designated Site of Special Scientific Interest and are one of the most researched pieces of woodland in the world, exceptionally rich in flora and fauna, with over 500 species of plants, a wealth of woodland habitats, and 800 species of butterflies and moths. 





Want to take part in bee and butterfly recording?

The Wytham Woods team are currently creating a range of activities so that permit holders can become involved in ecological monitoring. Projects investigating bee, butterfly, ladybird and tree phenology – the study of how the biological world times natural events – are currently under development.


They run regular guided 'Bumblebee Walks', where you will be able to complete surveys of bees found along designated 'transects' (certain prescribed areas within the Woods). You can find these listed on the events page.


If you prefer to complete a bee transect on your own, you can collect equipment from outside the Conservator's Office in the Sawmill Yard. They have tote bags with everything you need inside.



Do I need a permit?

Yes. To apply for a permit to enter the Woods go to the application page here

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