What is Cumnor Fit for the Future (Cumnor F4F)
During 2020, a small group of people who live in Cumnor Parish, sat down to think about what we could do to protect and enhance our environment.
Cumnor Parish has incredible access to green spaces, wildlife sites, woodland and natural stretches of water.
And we have a strong tradition of volunteers coming together to protect and enhance those assets. The Cumnor Conservation Group has, and continues to, work hard to manage the SSSI site at The Hurst and the Village Pond. This group is supported by Cumnor Parish Council and Natural England.
We have bigger, well-established initiatives promoting conservation and the environment at Longmead Wildlife Site, Hill End and Wytham Woods.
And over the last 4 years the Cumnor Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group has been working towards creating planning policies that will provide the legal protections for many of our free spaces, important views, heritage assets and access to natural stretches of water.
However, Cumnor 'Fit for the Future' would like to learn from these bigger projects to see what practical steps individuals and groups of residents can do to create a parish that is 'fit for the future".
This website is intended to promote what is going on, help people learn from each other and kick-start new projects and ideas.
The picture below shows just a few of the ideas and projects that could be included in Cumnor Fit for the Future. The key is not to wait for someone else to take the lead. If as an individual you have an idea and are willing to put a little time into a project, we can help - both to promote your idea and find like minded people or to help access funding.
The first step is to get in touch and talk to us!